Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Can You Use Black Polish On Brown

Chips Almond

There are times when the recipe I want to share is so obvious to me that the desire for happiness itches just post it without reinforcements long sentences, stories or explanations of how girl who is asked why, and who answers "because!"

On the other hand it's so little the style of the house to overlook the details I am still in 2 words to explain how the first try these cookies have become one of my favorites:
  1. soaked almonds roasted with a double firing, they are crisp and terribly good
  2. the presence of essential ingredients include brown sugar gives them more of a beautiful copper color with a hint of caramel and a spicy fragrance reminiscent bread Spice especially associé ici à la touche discrète de cannelle. Niveau texture, la cassonade durcissant pendant la cuisson confère un croquant spécifique aux biscuits qui du coup sont croustillants et terriblement bons
  3. la simplicité de la recette se reflète même dans la quantité d'ustensiles utilisés dans la préparation: une casserole, une cuillère en bois, un moule à cake et un couteau. A noter que le moule reste propre pendant toute l'opération ce qui réduit avantageusement l'étape vaisselle à 3 objets et en plus les biscuits sont croustillants et terriblement bons
  4. la pâte se préparant à l'avance et se conservant plusieurs jours, les biscuits peuvent être cooked as and when required for those who did not understand that even 6 dozen not too crispy and they are terribly good
  5. behind the recipe, a pastry chef recognized and rewarded , Flo Braker which one of the wonderful philosophy is to share their homemade desserts because "memories are created around desserts and memories are the most precious gift we can give." According to Flo Braker these cookies to truly beat all his other creations. I had already enjoyed several of its revenue , I could only try these cookies and abound in this sense because without a doubt, they are crisp and terribly good
  6. first published in his book Sweet Miniatures as the Almond Bread is in David Lebovitz Flo Braker chose to share with all his great recipe decorated with precious little things David and I am well placed to know that this gentleman is well versed in everything crisp and terribly good
To end on a fun little note and symbolic, we must know that initially, the purpose of Flo Braker creating this recipe was to replicate at home to the famous U.S. almond bread tasted Belgian there and that his final recipe was developed long before you find the ideal proportions of ingredients. For my part, I have done and redone, revised and rehabilitated the recipe American version to finish with my vanilla version, groping with the dose of sugar to find one perfect for ensuring both the right taste and texture of these delicious gourmet cookies and sweet.
And I've renamed "chips almond" because I wanted to say how much they are crisp and incredibly good.

And I would not even be surprised that they become the gavotte of the year .. you want to bet ..?

(70 to 80 chips)

  • 115g butter or margarine temperate
  • 200g brown sugar (see note)
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 80 ml water 325g flour
  • 1 / 4 teaspoon baking soda 1 large
  • pinch of cinnamon (or vanilla powder)
  • 90g flaked almonds

Line a mold Standard cake with plastic wrap tightly making sure to leave the edges protrude on both sides to promote the release (same as for a bowl).

Cut butter or margarine into small pieces and place in large saucepan. Add brown sugar and vanilla sugar, add the water and immediately put the pan over medium heat. Melt the butter, stirring as little as possible to avoid completely dissolve the sugar (be careful the mixture does not boil!).

Note: David Lebovitz says the undissolved sugar crystals make these cookies more crispy hence the use essential brown sugar with a coarser than granulated white sugar makes it even dissolves more slowly. Similarly, to accelerate the melting of fat and thus retain more of undissolved sugar crystals, I recommend using butter or margarine temperate (e) rather than just out of the refrigerator and add the last water just before starting to melt!

Remove from heat and immediately add to pan the flour, baking soda and cinnamon (or vanilla), combine coarsely, then add the almonds and incorporate gently to keep them whole.

Pour into lined pan, fold the edges of plastic wrap over the dough and flatten the surface with the hand or bottom of another cake pan for a smooth, flat surface and a thickness regular.
Refrigerate for several hours as preparation time is hard enough to be resolved without being deformed.

Note: If time is short, you can also place the filled mold in the freezer. But be careful not to over curing the dough becomes too difficult to resolve.

Preheat oven thermostat. 5-6 (160 ° C). Line two baking sheets with parchment paper (do not use a Silpat silicone sheet or another that does not achieve the desired crispness).

Transfer the hardened paste on a cutting board and with a large sharp knife, slice the rectangles of dough as thick as possible and arrange to progressively on the baking sheets, spacing them at least 3 cm .
Note: Under the rectangles of dough will be thicker, the cookies will be crisp. Those in the photo are a bit thick (it was my first test) today j 'comes to the finer cutting force to do .. is forging etc. ... If you do not want to bake all the cookies, you can slice and cook the desired amount and keep the rest of uncooked dough wrapped well in the fridge for a few days or frozen bread dough.

Bake about 10 to 12 minutes or the time that the cookies have begun to firm to the touch and have taken a golden brown top and bottom. Remove plates from oven, wait 1 minute then return each biscuit with a metal spatula de façon à ce que le fond du biscuit se retrouve dessus et remettre à cuire au four environ 10 min ou le temps que les croustilles soient fermes avec une belle couleur caramel.

Note: les temps de cuisson sont donnés à titre indicatifs puisqu'ils dépendent de l'épaisseur des biscuits. Essayez de découper de manière régulière pour avoir une épaisseur constante qui rendra la cuisson plus homogène.

Refroidir complètement les biscuits avant de les mettre dans une boîte hermétique de préférence en métal pour les conserver bien croustillants (et terriblement bons!).


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