Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Headaches After Giving Birth

How to survive three children and a return to work?

How do we to survive with three children and a return to work? Since one month I feel no more blown. I only managed crises, gathered behind them, helped with homework, meals, grocery shopping, cleaning, washing, dishes, baths, appointments of any kind (with 2-needs children different there are many!) besides I work 24 hours per week. The worst part is: My house looks like a battlefield, there is the laundry folded, kinked and dirty everywhere! He did not make the drawers I can no longer relax, or even get to spend time playing with my children. I'm tired and I think only what to do. I would not survive long in this rhythm.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Brock Sean Cody Preview

Ten years ago today

Ten years ago today I was saying yes to God, our families and friends. Ten years of ups and downs .... much more senior. He is my love, my friend, my partner, a wonderful lover and the best fathers for our children. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I love more than a decade ago. I still get butterflies when I look at him chills when he touches me. I am the happiest woman on earth to have a man in her life so extraordinary. I love you Marc-Andre and I wish us many decades. xxx

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Prep H For Waist Inches

Long ago I did not write. It's probably that I do not feel the need. Usually I write to help me evacuate an overflow of emotions. I had really good feelings there almost 10 months. The birth of my second son was a gift. It is a being so special. I'm sure he has an old soul. His gaze is enveloping, full of fresh energy. It makes me feel good and I know that Marc-Andre, Mathieu and Anne-Sophie feels the same. It is our ray of sunshine, it brings us together. It soothes my hectic days. It helps me find my calm in the storm. The storm of life I often since the return to school. This summer I managed to remove all the hassles related to school. From the first week, the hassles are income haunted my days and nights. The newspaper with two different children is like walking on eggshells: you never know when everything will turn into an omelette. Omelettes scatter on my daily life. The routines are a real Calverie! Every morning I have to repeat constantly for dressing, breakfast, brushing teeth. Besides the chialage and baffles. After school we go again for mommy parrot. Homework is hellish. I feel like I spend my time crying and wanting crying. I already had 2 calls from ATTENDING Mathieu and director. We are in the 4th week of school! Anne-Sophie seems to work well in the classroom there is at least it positive. At home it is more difficult. I feel like I have only negative moments with my children. Constantly repeating, shouting, crying. I feel sorry. I want to spend quality time with them. I am with them when the medication is not effective. Result: they are distretti, rude, impulsive, they do not listen and refuse to do what they have done. I have the role of the military mom. Doing so, did it, stop, hurry, so you can concentrate. The weekend I'm not there. Marc-Andre told me he spends quality time with them. It goes well when the drug comes into action. Maybe it's me who lets the good times. I do not know. I do not know. I would love to remove the sadness that has settled in my heart.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Odd Puzzle Size Need Frame

Gourmet Great moments!

For your small and large foodie moments ARTS invites you to discover the new realization "of Bogato ".... beautiful and fun cakes for all events! Princess castles salted butter, tiger heads, trunks treasure chocolate, mmmm back and live the good ideas! We recommend this house to eat is in Paris: Bogato, 7 rue Liancourt and HERE!