That's it I can breathe
3 weeks since I live in a fog. In rereading my medical record, my doctor was worried. She saw fit to send me to meet Sainte-Justine a hematologist for a check-thrombotic. She méciales output terms that I did not quite understand it before a serious face. Following my meeting with the hematologist, it sent me in clinical high-risk pregnancy. I was really scared. Afraid to put my life in danger. After several pints of blood taken (I exaggerate only hihihi), the doctor tells me everything is normal and that my pregnancy is not at risk. Fiououououou! I Revie yesterday. This morning I had my prenatal and nuchal translucency. According to the radiologist everything is normal and my baby has no manufacturing defects hihi. I'm 13.6 weeks and my due date is December 5th. The nausea returned occasionally but very rarely. I can fully enjoy my last pregnancy.